
We give our students the subject to be taught, formulas to be memorized and test them on it during the week. This way we get full efficiency in group lessons as they arrive with basic knowledge.

Workshop - Exercises

We show our students how the memorized knowledge can be adapted to questions. The students who learn how to answer the questions enter exercise classes with fresh information and the teachers answer any problems a student might have, that way we improve their exercising skills. That way we stop our DELI students from paying for private lessons and courses as they ask any question under teacher supervision.

Repetition - Debate

In our repetition – debate classes first we repeat the subject and make sure the students learn it fully, then we make them question what they have learnt and make sure they understand the logic behind it. This way we improve the students’ creative and critical thinking. Through all 3 steps we closely monitor the students and by having them reach a 100% level of success we pass them to the next step and level.


In Firat Ilhan Schools we separate our students in classes and subjects based on levels. A student who is A1 is math’s can be A2 in Turkish. The knowledge and learning speed of each students in different classes and units are varied. Due to this reality, we separate our students based on level and conduct homogeneous classes. This way we enable students to thrive in higher levels and get the chance to achieve maximum efficiency through homogeneous classes. In the Firat Ilhan Middle School on each grade we open 2, 14 people groups and 3, 12-14 people groups. For example, for our 6th grade consisting of 28 students we detect their level for math’s class the subject of numbers. Based on the results if we have to open 4 classes, we open 4 classes immediately. 


This way;

  • We enable classes to take place in homogeneous groups with maximum efficiency.,
  • We stop high level students from getting bored, finishing early and disrupting the peace and lower level students from lowering efficiency, clouding others and being put under psychological pressure. We open the way for faster students and support those who are left behind.
  • We do not make basic trade calculations such as, “More groups = more teachers + more cost” we aim for our classes to be utilized with the highest efficiency and for our students to reach the highest success. What we gain from education, we invest in education.

In our institution we care about consultation services. We take care of our students one by one and prepare them programs based on their; learning speed, areas of interest and what they’re lacking. Our students’ numbers are; in middle school 112 and in high school 138, this way we personally take care of our students, prepare special programs based on their skills and perception. Thus, we get rid of reasons of failure and outside support. (private classes – cram school)

We also notify students about possible professions and departments they can study based on their abilities which we reveal. That way students gain a goal and study for success without panic and getting overwhelmed.


Firat Ilhan Schools is an institution that caters to its students and can prepare ability – based programs for its students. As we leave no students behind, we also don’t stand in the way of students. This is the main quality which separates us from student factories which hold thousands of students.